One Photo from the Portfolio
I woke up this morning and propped myself up to see the time over Barbie's shoulder. It was 4:30 a.m. I think the Fresh Prince was on TV. Barb can't sleep without the TV on, just like my Mom.
I tried to fall back to sleep for about an hour, rolling on this side, rolling onto the other side, trying my luck just laying straight on my back. I was groggy. But it wasn't working. My body and mind had enough rest and wanted to get up.
Freckles can tell time. He's a creature of habit. He knows we usually get up between six and seven a.m. He knows my first stop is always the bathroom. During the wake-up hour Freckles waits in the upstairs hallway until he hears my feet hit the floor and then he runs straight into the master bathroom.
"Ah Freckles," I say, "let me wake up."
But this morning I was up earlier than usual and Freckles wasn't ready for me yet. I quietly snuck into the bathroom without him.
Freckles heard activity in the bathroom and hustled over to the door. He was waiting for me as I tried to quietly exit and not wake Barb.
"MEOW!" said Freckles.
I pointed an index finger at him. I don't know why, but it works. He didn't meow again. I tip-toed across the squeaky wood floor as Freckles worked hard to rub his mid-section against my shins.
We made it into the hallway and Freckles took a moment to sharpen his remaining front claws on the hall rug before taking a couple leaps to catch up to me.
Freckles raced down the stairs ahead of me and then waited at the bottom. Barb and I have a ritual with Freckles in the morning. When we reach the stair landing we slightly hang our toes over the edge and Freckles rubs his head against them for a few moments.
I reached the landing this morning and stuck my toes over the edge. Freckles used my big toe to clean out his ears. Thanks Freckles.
It was nippy in the house this morning - 65-degrees. I forgot my Adidas sweat jacket. Drat!
I couldn't go right back up without Freckles following me. I had to at least feed him to keep him on the first floor. I made a pot of coffee for Barbie and gave Freckles food and water. Then it was back upstairs for my jacket.
After pouring half a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice for myself, I turned on the morning news. The bailout plan, excuse me it's now called "rescue" plan, passed the Senate last night and now goes back to the House. Where the markets will go no one knows...blah, blah, blah.
I slice myself two pieces of pumpkin bread and drop onto the recliner. I grab the laptop and begin on the coffee, juice and bread as it boots up. Before anything else I check the baseball scores from yesterday. The Dodgers beat the Cubs, which I don't think is good for the Phillies. The Dodgers scare me. And the Red Sox rallied to win their game as well.
I check a little news on the laptop and then sit down to punch out this blog. It's a typical morning.
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