Ellis taking center stage at his birthday party.
Happy Birthday Ellis! And thanks for the excuse for getting everybody together. (I'm still wondering when Alyssa is going to cook a Sunday dinner for everyone again.)
Ellis had his birthday party on Saturday and it was fun, and it was great to see everyone on both Mom's side of the family and Dad's.
Ellis was full of excitement for presents, and people, and well . . . cake of course. But he's also a shy little guy. He didn't seem real happy about my camera. And we weren't allowed to sing "Happy Birthday" to him. He doesn't like to be the center of attention, a young man after my own heart.
We're off on our favorite bi-weekly trip this morning - ugh - the grocery store. But after strong storms overnight it looks like a nice morning after, with cool temperatures, perfectly fit for a drive through the countryside with windows rolled down and car stereo turned up.
We accomplished quite a bit (for us) last week, especially amongst three days of separate doctor's visits. Now this week we're waiting to hear back from many folks, and I only have one medical appointment on Friday (the chemo IV drip).
We're waiting on clients to respond to jobs. We're waiting on word from a roofer, a stone mason, a central air conditioner company, a candlestick maker, oops, forget the last one.
The only side effect I've really noticed from the new chemo so far is a strange one. My whole head is dry and chafing. My scalp, my eyebrows, my jawline, my ears, everything is so dry, even though I've been dipping into Barb's lotions.
Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to discuss this further with an oncologist on Friday.
I better wrap this up and get out to the store. We've found that as long as we get there before 10 a.m. the crowd scene isn't that bad.
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