Thursday, July 3, 2008


The flag is flyin' out front ready for the July 4th holiday. We don't have any specific plans outside of making a world famous Albert stromboli tomorrow. With our situation its best to make plans on a Tuesday when the rest of the world is at work. It's nice to have that flexibility.

Growing up on the "hill" we could watch a couple different fireworks because of our incredible view. Fireworks never really brought out the "Ooooos" and "Aaaaaahs" from me. I don't know why. I just never got real excited by them.

I even fought traffic once in Philly to get down to the riverfront to watch the city's big fireworks display. It was a site to see, I guess. But I didn't consider it worth the fight through traffic.

My friends growing up, on the other hand, were quite into the fireworks. Trips were made to adjoining states where fireworks could be bought in much, much larger sizes than allowed in Pennsylvania.

My friends would put on annual shows this time of year with roman candles bursting in the air. I, hesitantly, watched, hoping like crazy that nothing bad would happen. I was always surprised that the police never showed up. I mean these shows could not be missed. They went all out.

One year I participated rather than just watched. I didn't do much. But towards the end the organizers asked everyone on the scene who wasn't lighting off the big stuff to grab a quarter-stick of dynamite and toss it in different directions. We were in the middle of a field while the families were back on a bluff overlooking the show.

As soon as I was told to light and throw a voice screamed through the dark behind me.


I almost swallowed my tongue. Everyone quickly moved towards the voice. The voice started laughing, a boisterous drunken laugh.

It was all a gag. One of the viewers of the fireworks thought it would be a funny joke.

I thought to myself, a couple seconds difference in timing and I would have thrown a quarter-stick of dynamite right at him - some joke.

I never lit that dynamite.

I never went to another of my friend's fireworks shows again.

Like I always say, life is exciting enough without going out of your way to add unnecessary excitement to it.

I hope everyone has a great, happy, wonderful, and SAFE July 4th weekend!

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