Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Monday. Let's Get it On.

I'm trying not to let these billing issues cause me too much stress. Lord knows I have enough of that already. But, you know, if you expect to pay $25 for breakfast and when the bill comes it says $400 you are going to have some questions.

One thing I've always wanted to do, just for fun, was bill my insurance company for my time. Who knows? They're so confused and all over the place they just may pay it! lol

I also have thought that it would be fun to include with by invoice one of those legal agreements in six-point type that no one can read stating all of my policies. You know like, if you don't like a first draft I have a right to charge you 10-times the original estimate. Each correction will cost a complete cheese cake. Things like that.

Oh...the joy of working with corporate America.

When I call my insurance company it's always a bit of a crap shoot. Sometimes I'll get someone who is very nice, and genuinely wants to help resolve the issue. Most of the time though it's someone who hates their job, doesn't want to be there, and wishes I would stop interrupting the time they're to spend with their friends on Facebook.

One of my techniques is to keep calling back until I get someone polite and helpful. It's not easy. It takes some effort and time. But eventually it works.

One of the techniques they have often used on me is to ask me to hold and then "mistakenly" hang-up.

I've learned to always get their name, employee number, birth date, favorite pizza topping, everything and anything I can get to help prevent this. This can be challenging since English is no the native language of mos of these folks.

The other day I spoke with Jewieey (Julie) who turned out to be most kind and helpful.

Dear Lord, please help me find Jewieey again.


Anonymous said...

Well I hope you were able to find Jewieyy. It should would be different if it were someone in their families that has this problem. They forget that though. It's just a job to them. Most insurance companies are this way and it's a shame. I am not quiet sure how they can screw up so often and not catch their same mistakes that have been made a million times. Good luck and I wouldn't pay a cent. In fact I would add interest for every minute of your time lol. Hope your appointment goes well and I will talk to you soon!



A Smart Blonde said...

Bert, you are such a trooper! Hang in there...what you're doing does make a difference. You're an inspiration! Have a super day!