Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Morning PET Scan

Barb and I are getting ready to take off for the health campus for my scheduled PET scan.

I haven't had a PET scan since 2006. Back then it was the first sign that my cancer was spreading.

I've had some good results from chemo so my oncologist ordered today's scan to see if my tumors are really tumors or just dead cells. I think it's an excellent idea and I look forward to the results when we meet with him on Thursday.

The PET scan is relatively simple on me, well except for the part where I'm not allowed to eat. I'm so hungry right now. My body does prefer some breakfast.

Basically they inject radioactive sugar into me and then I have to sit around and read bad magazines for an hour until the radioactive sugar has had a chance to make it through my body. Then it's 20-minutes on the scanner and I'm done.

If cancer is congregating in any part of the body it will draw the radioactive sugar to it and "light up" on the scan. Who thinks of this stuff?

Barb is going to try to get me a banana nut muffin at the health campus for me to jump on as soon as the scan is over.

Happy Monday everyone!

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