Monday, July 13, 2009

Change of Plans

Barb and I were just about out the door this morning when the health campus called to inform us that my PET scan had been cancelled.

Apparently the maker of the radioactive sugar in Philadelphia had a machine break down and the order for Lancaster General Hospital couldn't be delivered.

LGH gave me the impression that they would be back and rolling again very soon, just not in time for my appointment. Soooo....we rescheduled for Wednesday, 6:45 a.m.

Yesterday we had to scramble a bit to get ready for this scan, and tomorrow we'll have to do it again. A nurse from the PET scan area called me on Friday and requested that I do not eat any sugar or carbohydrates on Sunday, all day, before the scan scheduled for today.

We're at the end of our two-week menu, and we're due for another grocery trip. There wasn't a lot of options in the house. Jeesh, I eat bread with everything.

I figured out that I could make Chicken and Andouille Gumbo, all protein, veggies, seasonings and no carb or sugar. Throughout the afternoon into the evening I had five bowls of Gumbo. It was the best I ever made, and I'm sure it had something to do with Barb and I making it as a team.

Earlier in the day yesterday I had to fill up my gas tank for the trip to the health center this morning, that was cancelled. Barb went into pay while I pumped. She told me she was going to look for lunch for me in the gas station.

The gas station?

Barb came out of the gas station with a chicken caesar salad. My expectations were pretty low. I mean a chicken caesar salad from a gas station?

It was surprisingly good. I mean I've had much better. In many ways it good have been much better. But...the lettuce was very crisp and fresh, the chicken was OK, they didn't forget the parmesan cheese, and the dressing was tasty.

I had no idea how I would get through the day on a diet of no carbs and no sugars. But it worked out with Chicken Caesar Salad and Chicken and Andouille Gumbo. I felt like I was on some Food Network TV show successfully meeting some odd challenge.

Now with the PET scan moved to Wednesday morning, I have to recreate the challenge of Sunday. I have to figure out how I'm going through tomorrow eating no sugar or carbs.

Any ideas? Please share?

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