Monday, July 27, 2009


I was sitting around yesterday afternoon, relaxing, watching the Phillies whip the Cardinals, and I started feeling a little sorry for myself.

I have an incredible wife. I love the house I live in. I have my own business. This is everything I've worked so long and hard for. I'm not ready to give any of this up.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, that I shouldn't feel sorry for myself. I should be happy. I should be proud.

This is my dream. This is what I strove for, what I wanted. And I've achieved it. I'm not sure how many people can say that.

I have a beautiful, sweet, loving, incredible angel of a wife. Someone who is a true partner that I can share everything with. It's what I always wanted.

I have a historic, old house, listed on the National Registrar of Historic Places. I've always dreamed of having a place like this that I could care for, fix-up, work on. Now I wake up in it every morning.

And, I have always wanted my own business. Something that I could build the way I felt was right. Not letting my fate in someone else's hands. But something that I could call my own, something that I could take pride in and sink or swim on my own merits, not someone elses. And a successful business I built.

I smiled. I smiled broadly. I realized that my dreams have come true. I should be happy. How fortunate I am.

Sure, when I was 12-years-old I dreamed of being the first NBA all-star to also sell out Madison Square Garden with his rock-n-roll show. But, hey, what would a kid be without some wild ambitions?

But throughout my adult life I've always been pretty much of a realist. I really didn't strive to be President of the United States, or a Nobel Prize winner. I wanted to have an incredible wife, a beautiful old house, and a successful business. I made it!

It wasn't easy. I worked so hard. I took many wrong turns. It's been rough at times. But I made it!


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