Thursday, May 31, 2007

5 Treatments Left

My husband seeemed to have had a little more energy today, but it is seemingly at the point in the day when the fatigue sets in. We are putting every possible positive energy into this and take each day one at a time. I want to be able to do the things we have wanted to set out to do, such as play tennis, ride our bikes, go on mini-vacations and I mean come on we haven't even been married two years yet!!! It took twenty years to find the person that I am supposed to be with and we have at least 50 more in my opinion. Keepin' happy!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything you keep doing for me honey!
- Jim

Anonymous said...

to check comments

love alyssa

GramLyn said...

Up from Tampa, I felt honored to visit Jim, Barb, Aunt Alice and Uncle Paul today in your very focused environment . I continue to ask God for a total healing for Jimmy. He is able! Mom and Dad send their love from Holiday, too. Love, Cousin Lyn