Wednesday, May 30, 2007

As Days Pass

I continue to watch my husband (Jim) be the most positive and focused person that I know. We are doing everything within our power to make him well again.

I dream of the day when things are well,
there will always be lots to tell.
In doing this we have seen first hand
what these things mean and where they stand.

In the future times to come,
and we know we have won.
We plan to help those in need,
and in doing this we will all succeed.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

It is a good idea to have this to vent. Remember to both keep your heads up, and look toward a bright future. Life is about not knowing and no one will ever find the answers to every thing. I love you both more than anything in the world and there are a lot of other people that do too. You're strong, so keep your head up an don't let this knock you down.

Love Alyssa